Collage and Fade Composite Examples
These collages represent a sampling of what we can create for you. Hover over image for the number and description. Click to enlarge. Please see descriptions and options of different types of collages at the bottom of the page, below thumbnails.
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A "Custom Collage" (examples labeled Collage_01, etc) may contain up to five (5) images and is customized to your exact specifications. You can choose the image sizes (i.e. all the same size or center image larger), the edge style (faded, square or paint-brush), the background and writing style and color. You pick the images and can have whatever text you'd like on the collage... common choices are dog's call name, registered name and titles, date, event or accomplishment (i.e. NA title). As you review the examples, please note that you can pick the background from #1, the edge style from #4, etc.
A "Set Collage" may contain three (3) images and the dog's name. You choose the larger image and the two smaller images. There is no choice of background or text style. Tell us what text you want on it (dog call name or Registered name) A "Fade Composite" contains two images and is printed on metallic paper. The larger image in the background is faded a bit. The images for a fade composite can be portraits, action, candids or a combination of any two. My favorite combination is to fade a head shot in the background and then place a full-body portrait in the foreground |